
Listed below are all the winners of International Talent Support, even though we believe that all finalists are winners. The ITS awards have always been grounded in a precise philosophy: providing a cash prize is easy, but what is truly important is offering internships, job opportunities... in other words, chances to make experiences, build connections and strengthen one’s own career.

Past Winners

ITS Contest 2025

a woman holding a sword in front of her face

Meret Olympia Salome Baer

Accessories designer

born 1996

ITS Fashion Film Award 2025

Zhuen Cai

Fashion designer

born 1999

ITS Creative Excellence Award 10x10x10
Rewarding Honours powered by OTB
Rewarding Honours powered by Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana

a woman in a raincoat holding an umbrella

Mijoda Dajomi

Accessories designer


ITS Creative Excellence Award 10x10x10
Rewarding Honours powered by OTB

Naya El Ahdab

Fashion designer

born 2002

ITS Creative Excellence Award 10x10x10
Rewarding Honours powered by OTB
Rewarding Honours powered by WRÅD

Macy Grimshaw

Fashion designer

born 2001

ITS Creative Excellence Award 10x10x10
Rewarding Honours powered by OTB
Rewarding Honours powered by Swatch
ITS Special Mention powered by Fondazione Sozzani

a woman with blonde hair holding a round mirror

Cindy Zhaohan Li

Accessories designer

born 1998

ITS Creative Excellence Award 10x10x10
Rewarding Honours powered by OTB

Maximilian Raynor

Fashion designer

United Kingdom
born 1998

ITS Creative Excellence Award 10x10x10
ITS Jury’s Rewarding Honours
Rewarding Honours powered by OTB

Qianhan Liu

Fashion designer

born 1998

ITS Creative Excellence Award 10x10x10
Rewarding Honours powered by OTB

Gabrielle Szwarcenberg

Fashion designer

born 2000

ITS Creative Excellence Award 10x10x10
Rewarding Honours powered by OTB
Rewarding Honours powered by Vogue Eyewear part of EssilorLuxottica

Patrick Taylor

Fashion designer

United Kingdom
born 1999

ITS Creative Excellence Award 10x10x10
Rewarding Honours powered by OTB
Rewarding Honours powered by Modateca Deanna
Rewarding Honours powered by Pitti Tutoring & Consulting

Yifan Yu

Fashion designer

born 1998

ITS Creative Excellence Award 10x10x10
Rewarding Honours powered by OTB
Rewarding Honours powered by Fondazione Ferragamo

ITS Contest 2024

a woman in a white dress standing in front of a white backdrop

Momoka Sato

Fashion designer

Born 1994

ITS Arcademy Award

a woman standing in front of a body of water

Ju Bao

Fashion designer

Born 1997

ITS Jury Special Award
ITS Contest Public’s Choice Award

a black and white photo of a vase

Richard Farbey

Jewelry designer

United Kingdom
Born 2000

ITS Jury Special Award

a man and a woman sitting on a couch in a room

Amina Galal

Fashion designer

Born 2001

ITS Fashion Film Award

a man standing in front of a mirror in a room

Yu Chen
Fanrui Sun

Digital fashion designer

Born 1999

ITS Digital Fashion Award

a person is standing on a staircase made out of newspapers

Tomohiro Shibuki

Fashion designer

Born 1986

ITS Challenge The Status Quo Award powered by WRÅD

a collage of animals and flowers on a white background

Chelsea Jean Lamm

Fashion designer

Born 1998

ITS Artwork Award powered by Swatch Art Peace Hotel 2023

a woman in a colorful dress holding two suitcases

Ivan Delogu

Fashion designer

Born 1994

ITS Responsible Creativity Award powered by CNMI

a sculpture of a pile of clothes sitting on top of a table

Tomohiro Shibuki

Fashion designer

Born 1986

GO!25 Borderless Award powered by Regione FVG 

three pieces of art hanging on a wall

Ivan Delogu

Fashion designer

Born 1994

ITS Artwork Award powered by Swatch Art Peace Hotel

a close up of a white and red sneaker

Clèmentine Baldo

Fashion designer

Born 1998

ITS Sportswear Award powered by Lotto Sport – First Prize

a man in a black shirt and tie

Tomohiro Shibuki

Fashion designer

Born 1986

ITS Sportswear Award powered by Lotto Sport – Second Prize

a man with a beard wearing a green shirt

Ivan Delogu

Fashion designer

Born 1994

ITS Sportswear Award powered by Lotto Sport – Third Prize

a statue of a woman in a circle on the ground

Yuxi Sun

Accessories designer

Born 1994

ITS Accessories Award powered by Fondazione Ferragamo

a woman standing in front of a green wall

Marcel Sommer

Fashion designer

Born 1996

ITS Special Mention powered by PITTI Immagine Tutoring & Consulting

a group of naked women standing in front of a curtain

Wanqi Huang

Fashion designer

Born 1999

ITS Special Mention powered by Fondazione Sozzani

ITS Contest 2022

a man with dreadlocks wearing a blue jacket

Charlie Constantinou

Fashion designer

Born 25th June 1998, British

ITS Arcademy Award

a man with dreadlocks sitting at a desk

Charlie Constantinou

Fashion designer

Born 25th June 1998, British

ITS Sportswear Award powered by Lotto Sport 2nd place

ITS 2022 finalist: Martina Durikovicova, Slovakian

Mata Durikovic

Fashion designer

Born 11th July 1995, Slovakian

ITS Media Award

a man standing in a field holding a bouquet of flowers

Lucia Chain

Fashion designer

Born: April 7th 1988, Italian

ITS Video Presentation Award

A 3d image of a woman in a blue dress.

Xiaoling Jin
Zongbo Jiang

Digital fashion designer

Born 28th October 1994, Chinese
Born 8th November 1994, Chinese

ITS Digital fashion Award

a man is walking with a kite in his hand

Lili Schreiber

Fashion designer

Born 13th September 1996, Belgian

OTB Award

a toy with a bear on top of it

Yudai Tanaka
Anna Tanaka

Fashion designer

Born 10th October 1992 Japanese
Born 20th June 1991 Japanese

ITS Artwork Award powered by Swatch Art Peace Hotel

a person wearing colorful sneakers and green pants

Hin Fung Jesse Lee

Fashion designer

Born 5th July 1994, Chinese

ITS Sportswear Award powered by Lotto Sport 1st place

a man holding a bunch of stuffed animals

Edward Mendoza

Fashion designer

Born 23rd December 1992, British

a woman with her hair blowing in the wind

Ruby Mellish

Accessories designer

Born 14th May 1998, British

ITS Special Mention powered by Luxottica

ITS Contest 2021

a person in a red jacket and a red hat

Adam Elyassé

Fashion designer

Born 29th April 1995 British

ITS Responsible Creativity Award powered by Allianz

a man with a flower in his hair

Aitor Goicoechea Aburuza

Fashion designer

Born 23rd December 1999 Spanish

ITS Responsible Creativity Award powered by Allianz

a man standing in the middle of a field

Hua Hui

Digital fashion designer

Born 20th November 1992 Chinese

ITS Digital Fashion Award

a man in a suit standing in front of a door

Tae Choi

Fashion designer

Born 15th February 1987 Korean

OTB Award

a man standing in front of a painting

Mohammed El Marnissi

Fashion designer

Born 27th August 1996 Belgian

Swatch Art Peace Hotel Award

a pair of neon green sneakers on a conveyor belt

Qingzi Gao

Fashion designer

Born 16th October 1995 Chinese

Lotto Sport Award – 1st place

a man with a beard and glasses standing in front of a tree

Tomer Stolbov

Fashion designer

Anagrafica vincitore ancora da ricevere

Lotto Sport Award – 2nd place

a pair of blue and pink shoes on a white background

Hadar Slassi

Accessories designer

Born 18th November 1992 Israeli

ITS Fondazione Ferragamo Award
Lotto Sport Award – 3rd place

a person standing on a rock in the woods

Tianan Ding

Fashion designer

Born 13th November 1996 Chinese

Vogue Talents special mention

ITS Contest 2020

Olivia Rubens

Fashion designer

ITS Responsible Fashion Award powered by Allianz

Clara Chu

Accessories designer

ITS Responsible Accessories Award powered by Allianz

a couple of women standing next to each other

Syna Chen

Fashion designer

ITS Press Choice Award

Andrew Bell

Fashion designer

OTB Award
Pitti Immagine Award

Noa Baruch

Fashion designer

Diesel Award

Johanna Parv

Fashion designer

ITS Fashion @ Work by illy

Rosie Baird

Fashion designer

ITS Fashion @ Work by illy

Rei Sato & Jumi Tanabe

Accessories designer

ITS 2020 ITS ARTWORK by Swatch Art Peace Hotel Award

Johanna Parv LOTTO

Fashion designer

Lotto Sport Award – 1st place

Jimin Lee

Fashion designer

Tomorrow Entrepreneurial Creativity Award

Felipe Fiallo

Accessories designer

ITS Fondazione Ferragamo Award
ITS 2020 ITS People’s Choice Award

Cameron Williams

Fashion designer

Vogue Talents Special Mention

ITS Contest 2019

Daoyuan Ding

Fashion designer

ITS 2019 Award powered by Allianz with Pitti Immagine Tutoring&consulting
ITS 2019 Tomorrow Award

Corrina Goutos

Jewelry designer

ITS Sustainability Award
Vogue Talents Special Mention

Annaliese Griffith-Jones

Fashion designer

OTB Award

Rafael Kouto

Fashion designer

Diesel Award

Rafael Kouto

Fashion designer

Lotto Sport Award – 1st place

Moon Hussain

Fashion designer

ITS 2019 CNMI – Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana Award
Coin Excelsior Award

ITS Contest 2018

Eleanor Mcdonald

Fashion designer

ITS 2018 AWARD offered by Allianz
Tomorrow Award
Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana Award

Emma Chopova & Laura Lowena

Fashion designer

OTB Award

Tingting Zhang

Accessories designer

OTB Award

Tolu Coker

Fashion designer

Diesel Award

Sini-Pilvi Kiilunen

Fashion designer


Tolu Coker

Fashion designer


Eliana Zurlo

Accessories designer

Tomorrow Award

Tolu Coker

Fashion designer

Vogue Talents Special Mention

ITS Contest 2016

Mayako Kano

Fashion designer

ITS 2016 Fashion Award

Anna Bornhold

Fashion designer

ITS 2016 OTB Award
ITS 2016 Modateca Deanna Award

Niels Gundtoft Hansen

Fashion designer

ITS 2016 OTB Award

Helen Kirkum

Accessories designer

ITS 2016 Accessories Award
ITS 2016 Vogue Talents Award

Young Jin Jang

Accessories designer

ITS 2016 YKK Award

Marco Baitella

Accessories designer


Jana Zornik

Accessories designer

ITS 2016 Swatch Award

Sari Räthel

Jewelry designer

ITS 2016 Jewelry Award

Tatiana Lobanova

Jewelry designer


Justin Smith

Accessories designer

ITS SIX I-D Styling Award
ITS SIX Maria Luisa Award

ITS Contest 2015

Paula Knorr

Fashion designer

ITS 2015 Fashion Award with OTB

Yuko Koike

Fashion designer

ITS 2015 OTB Award
ITS 2015 Modateca Deanna Award

Jenifer Thévenaz – Burdet

Fashion designer

ITS 2015 Eyes on Talents Award

Eliana Zurlo

Accessories designer

Tomorrow Award

Isabel Helf

Accessories designer

ITS 2015 Accessories Award partner with YKK

Bianca Chong

Accessories designer

YKK Fastening Award

Hiroki Kataoka

Accessories designer


Shay Tako

Fashion designer

ITS 2015 Swatch Award

Alexis Gautier

Fashion designer

ITS 2015 Swatch Art Peace Hotel Award

In Wai Kwok

Jewelry designer

ITS 2015 ITS JEWELRY Award in partnership with Swarovski

Kota Okuda

Jewelry designer

ITS 2015 ITS JEWELRY Award in partnership with Swarovski

Yun Sun Jang

Jewelry designer


Yang Wang

Accessories designer

Samsung Galaxy Award

Aitor Throup

Fashion designer

Generali Special Award

ITS Contest 2014

Ivana Damjanovic

Accessories designer

ITS 2014 Eyes on Talents Award
YKK Award

Lior Shulak

Jewelry designer

SWAROVSKI Jewelry Award

Noriko Nakazato

Jewelry designer

SWAROVSKI Jewelry Award

Zoe Waters

Fashion designer

Diesel Award

Natalja Mencej ITS 2014

Natalija Mencej

Fashion designer

ITS 2014 Camera Nazionale della Moda Award

Leonie Barth

Fashion designer

Samsung Galaxy Award

Anita Hirlekar

Fashion designer

ITS 2014 Fashion Special Prize

Virginia Burlina

Fashion designer

ITS 2014 Swatch Award

Takafumi Arai

Accessories designer

ITS 2014 YKK Special Award

Mirja Pitkaart

Accessories designer

ITS 2014 Accessories Collection of the Year

ITS Contest 2013

Milko Boyarov

Jewelry designer

Swatch Award

Lili Colley

Jewelry designer

Swarowski Elements Jewelry Award

Nelly Hoffmann

Fashion designer

ITS 2013 YOOX Award

Xiao Li

Fashion designer

Diesel Award

Han Chul Lee

Fashion designer

ITS 2013 Fashion Collection of the Year
ITS 2013 Vogue Talents Award for fashion

Felix Chabluk Smith

Fashion designer

2013 ITS 2013 Business of fashion Award

Youngwon Kim

Accessories designer

ITS 2013 Vogue Talents Award for accessories

Percy Lau

Accessories designer

YKK Award

Leonard Kahlcke

Accessories designer

ITS 2013 Accessories Collection of the year

Cat Potter

Accessories designer

ITS 2013 Eyes on talents Award

ITS Contest 2012

Ana Rajcevic

Accessories designer

ITS 2012 Accessories Collection of the year

Xiao Zi Yang

Jewelry designer

Swarowski Elements Jewelry Award

Shengwei Wang

Fashion designer

ITS 2012 Modateca Award

Mark Goldenberg

Fashion designer

ITS 2012 Vogue Talents Award for fashion
Avery Dennison Brand Innovation Award

Marius Janusauskas

Fashion designer

Diesel Award
ITS 2012 D-La Repubblica Award

Luke Brooks

Fashion designer

ITS 2012 Fashion Special Prize

Isabel Vollrath

Fashion designer

ITS 2012 Saturday Night Fever Award

Ichiro Suzuki

Fashion designer

ITS 2012 Fashion Collection of the Year

Victoria Spruce

Accessories designer

ITS 2012 Vogue Talents Award for accessories

Benjamin John Hall

Accessories designer

YKK Award


Gerardo Vizmanos


ITS TEN SVA photoglobal Award

Nika Kupyrova


Disaronno Award

Sarah Vedel Hurtigkarl & Raluca Grada

Jewelry designer

Swarowski Elements Jewelry Award

Shaun Samson

Fashion designer

ITS TEN Fashion Collection of the Year

Ruth Green

Fashion designer

Skunkfunk Sustainability Award

Kristian Guerra

Fashion designer

ITS TEN Fashion Special Prize
ITS TEN D-La Repubblica Award

Kevin Kramp

Fashion designer

ITS TEN Modateca Award

Fah Chakshuvej

Fashion designer

Maison Martin Margiela Award

Niran Avisar

Fashion designer

Diesel Award

Oliver Ruuger

Accessories designer

ITS TEN Accessories Collection of the year

Laura Amstein

Accessories designer

YKK Award

Anna Schwamborn

Accessories designer

ITS TEN Modamont Award


Yong Kyun Shin

Fashion designer

ITS NINE Fashion Special Prize

Niels Peeraer

Fashion designer


Michael Kampe

Fashion designer

Diesel Award

Yuwen Lu

Accessories designer

ITS NINE Modamont Award

Emma Yeo

Accessories designer

YKK Award


Silvia Noferi


ITS EIGHT Pitti Immagine Photo Award

Saana Wang


MINI Clubman Award

Noemie Goudal


ITS EIGHT Pitti Immagine Photo Award

Monica Lozano Red


ITS Eight AirDolomiti Photo Award

Clare Bottomley


ITS EIGHT SVA photoglobal Award

Mason Jung

Fashion designer

ITS EIGHT Fashion Collection of the Year

Masha Lamzina

Fashion designer

ITS EIGHT Fashion Special Prize

Elise Gettliffe

Fashion designer

ITS EIGHT I-D Styling Award

Alice Knackfuss

Fashion designer

Diesel Award

Yuima Nakazato

Accessories designer

YKK Award

Chau Har Lee

Accessories designer

ITS EIGHT Accessories Collection of the year

Ali Forbes

Accessories designer

CRYSTALLIZED™ Accessories Award

Matthieu Lavanchy & James Thom


ITS SEVEN SVA photoglobal Award


Benjamin Shun Lai Ng

Accessories designer

YKK Award

Venetia Dearden


ITS SEVEN AirDolomiti Photo Award

Mashid Mohadjerin



Martine Fougeron


ITS SEVEN Pitti Immagine Photo Award

Kazutaka Nagashima


MINI Clubman Award

Debora Vrizzi


ITS SEVEN Pitti Immagine Photo Award

Mark Fast

Fashion designer

ITS SEVEN I-D Styling Award

Heikki Salonen

Fashion designer

Diesel Award

Elise Gettliffe

Fashion designer

ITS SEVEN Fashion Special Prize

David Steinhorst

Fashion designer

ITS SEVEN Fashion Collection of the Year

Alithia Spuri-Zampetti

Fashion designer

ITS SEVEN Maria Luisa Award

Valentim Manuel Estevão Quaresma

Accessories designer

ITS SEVEN Accessories Collection of the year

Tomasz Donocik

Accessories designer

ITS SEVEN YKK Special Prize

Maria Giulia Giorgiani


ITS SIX PITTI Immagine Photo Award

Jing Quek


MINI International Photo Award
ITS SIX PITTI Immagine Photo Award

Taro Horiuchi

Fashion designer

SIX Diesel Award


Anna Sheldon

Accessories designer

ITS SIX YKK Special Award

May Heek


ITS SIX SVA Photoglobal Award

Migle Kacerauskiene

Fashion designer

ITS SIX Fashion Special Prize

Susanne Happle

Accessories designer

ITS SIX Accessories Collection of the year

Liron Braker

Accessories designer

YKK Award

Justin Smith

Accessories designer

ITS SIX I-D Styling Award
ITS SIX Maria Luisa Award


Heather Blake

Accessories designer

ITS FIVE Accessories Collection of the year

Remigiusz Pyrdol


MINI International Photo Award
ITS FIVE Le Book Award

Catherine Sundqvist


ITS FIVE Vmagazine Award

Caroline Chevalier


ITS FIVE Stage Fabbrica

Tamar Daniel

Fashion designer

ITS FIVE WGSN Best Portfolio

Mikio Sakabe

Fashion designer

ITS FIVE Special Jury Prize

Matthieu Blazy

Fashion designer

ITS FIVE Maria Luisa Award

Daniel Ivarsson

Fashion designer

Diesel Award

Aitor Throup

Fashion designer

ITS FIVE Fashion Collection of the Year
ITS FIVE I-D Styling Award

Maria Hjelm

Accessories designer

YKK Award

Aitor Throup

Fashion designer

Generali Special Award


Marga Weimans

Fashion designer

ITS FOUR I-D Styling Award

Ryo Yamada

Fashion designer

ITS FOUR WGSN Best Portfolio

Danielle Mourning


ITS FOUR MINI International Photo Award

Mie Albaek Nielsen & Caroline Hansen

Fashion designer

INGEO Sustainability Award

Marcus Lereng Wilmont

Fashion designer

ITS FOUR Collection of the Year

Eli Effenberger

Fashion designer

ITS FOUR Maria Luisa Award
ITS FOUR Special Jury Prize

Christoph Froehlich

Fashion designer

Diesel Award


Peter Pilotto

Fashion designer

ITS THREE Maria Luisa Award

Yoshikazu Yamagata

Fashion designer

INGEO Sustainability Award
ITS THREE Special Prize
ITS THREE WGSN Best Portfolio

Takashi Sugioka

Fashion designer

ITS THREE 3rd Jury Prize

Steven Hoffman

Fashion designer

ITS THREE 2nd Jury Prize

Lesley Mobo

Fashion designer

Diesel Award

Iris Eibelwimmer

Fashion designer

ITS THREE Maria Luisa Award

Demna Gvasalia

Fashion designer

ITS THREE Collection of the Year


Akihiro Kiuchi

Fashion designer

ITS TWO Jury Award

Teppei Sugaya

Fashion designer

Diesel Award

Slobodan Mihajlović

Fashion designer

ITS TWO Maria Luisa Award

Fabrizio Talia

Fashion designer

ITS TWO Best Womenswear Collection

Cathy Pill

Fashion designer

ITS TWO Collection of the Year

Anne Ventzel

Fashion designer

ITS TWO Best Menswear Collection


Akihiro Kiuchi

Fashion designer

ITS TWO Jury Award

Teppei Sugaya

Fashion designer

Diesel Award

Slobodan Mihajlović

Fashion designer

ITS TWO Maria Luisa Award

Fabrizio Talia

Fashion designer

ITS TWO Best Womenswear Collection

Cathy Pill

Fashion designer

ITS TWO Collection of the Year

Anne Ventzel

Fashion designer

ITS TWO Best Menswear Collection