ITS Contest

Established in Trieste in 2002, the ITS Contest is a prestigious international award open to emerging fashion, accessory, and jewellery designers.

Over the last two decades, it has contributed to launching the careers of visionary creatives who are pushing contemporary fashion forward, whether they are heading renowned brands, working behind the scenes, or running their own businesses.

ITS Contest finalists receive financial support and join a network of peers and industry experts that provide mentoring and career opportunities. At the core of the ITS experience lies a Residency in Italy - an invaluable opportunity to learn new skills and make lifelong friendships at the crossroads of Europe.

Join the next wave of design talent!

It's official! Applications for the next edition of the ITS Contest will open on September 2nd, 2024. Details and instructions will be published on in July. Sign up for our newsletter to receive a reminder. You can also write to us on and we'll be happy to give you all the information you need and answer your questions.

ITS Contest 2025 Timeline

Here are the key dates of the next edition. Don't forget to mark them in your diary!


Entry requirements published

Your application checklist is online.


September 2nd

ITS Contest 2025 launches

Register now to begin your online application process.

September 2nd

September 30th

Deadline for applications

Don't forget to submit your entry.

September 30th

Early October


The top 100 digital submissions are selected.

Early October

Mid October

Portfolio submissions

The 100 selected applicants are invited to send their physical portfolios to the ITS Contest headquarters in Trieste.

Mid October

Mid November


The ITS Contest Jury shortlists the top 10 designers.

Mid November

March 9th - 22nd

The Residency
and Final Event

The ten designers arrive in Trieste for a 10-day creative residency. The final event celebrates their talent and inaugurates the ITS Arcademy exhibition dedicated to them.

March 9th - 22nd

ITS Contest 2024 - Born to Create
Discover the future of fashion

Continuing a tradition that began in 2002, creatives, media, artists, and leading fashion and design experts have converged on the city of Trieste, all sharing the mission to spotlight the next generation of fashion, accessory, and jewellery designers.

ITS Contest previous editions

International Talent Support was launched in 2002 and throughout its 21-year history it has developed into the most highly recognised platform to showcase & support the strongest young talents on the planet.

ITS Contest Numbers

Schools in over
80 countries
Applications from
80 nations
Finalists from
over 60 countries
Journalists from
37 nations
Articles in over
50 countries
Years of
International Talent Support

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