Tianan Ding

Born 13th November 1996 Chinese


Tianan’s collection is a playful and critical experiment on clothes’ fabrication, cost, and function. Garments were mainly developed from disposable material - kitchen paper towels, toilet paper, expired plasters. Water was also a key element in the design process: by experimenting with dissolving and fading away, the outfits are a metaphor of the poetic deconstruction of structure and function. They embody the intention to dissolve value, to make nothing into something, or take nothing and make something out of it. This is not “elite-exclusive” fashion made from expensive fabrics. Classes merge along with cultures and tastes and Tianan reflects the current streetwear status as luxury, to represent this union of streetwear and luxury which is, at the same time, a new division. The goal is to develop affordable coolness, advocating the authentic wearer of streetwear, who can’t afford designer clothes. An interpretation of streetwear’s rawness, timeliness, and its being really honest with respect to what’s happening in the world.

Vogue Talents special mention

A Special Mention by Vogue Talents was awarded to a fashion, accessories or jewelry finalist. The winner’s collection will be featured on the Vogue Talents website.

Award Motivation

Sara Sozzani Maino chose Tianan for “The vision and boldness of going beyond the concept of a fashion brand. Responsibility, creativity, awareness, craftsmanship and passion were all combined together for an unique artistic project.”

Adam Elyassé
ITS Responsible Creativity Award powered by Allianz
Hadar Slassi
ITS Fondazione Ferragamo Award
Lotto Sport Award – 3rd place