MFFashion interviews the ITS 2020 International Jury. Fashion facing global warming and global pandemic.
04 November 2020
MFFashion, the first and only European newspaper devoted to fashion and luxury, once again reported ITS through exclusive interviews with many of this year’s members of our International jury. MFFashion branches from Milano Finanza Fashion, among the leading financial newspapers in Italy. The interviewers, Federica Camurati, Flavio Marcelli, Margherita Malaguti, Alice Merli, Tiziana Molinu, Tommaso Palazzi, focused on documenting the zeitgeist of the fashion industry, facing the global covid pandemic and at the same time struggling to translate sustainability from a communication weapon to real actions aimed at saving our planet. The answers, given the interviewees, are particularly interesting in outlining what fashion insiders forecast, today, about such topics.
The head of OTB Group has opened the MFF investigation into the transformations that the pandemic imposes on fashion. “Digital breaks down frontiers and sustainability comes to the fore”, he explained at the end of the 19th edition of ITS, held with a digital format.
Sustainability and craftsmanship. This is the future of fashion according to ITS jurors, interviewed by MFF. From the founder of the contest Barbara Franchin to the creatives Christelle Kocher and Andrea Rosso, passing through the fashion critics Tim Blanks and Angelo Flaccavento, Luca Josi of TIM and the buying director Stavros Karelis.
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