Marina Rocco’s loved garment
07 June 2024
The dress was produced in 1983 by Marina’s mother during her pregnancy. Made of plaid fabric, following the fashion of the time, it was meant to be comfortable and warm: her son Alex was born in winter, in February 1984. Following the birth, Marina stored the dress in her wardrobe as a precious memory of both her mother, who made it, and of the pregnancy, a unique moment in a woman’s life full of expectations for the newborn.
Years passed, and one day — out of a pure emotional impulse — seeing the dress in the wardrobe, Marina felt the desire for her elderly mother, now over eighty, to wear it. Incredibly, it fit her perfectly. This marked the second life of the garment, which would accompany the Rocco family for many more years. Birthdays, Christmases, happy moments, and some less so.
In November 2021, Marina’s mother passed away at the age of 98. Bearing witness to 40 years of a mother and daughter who loved each other immensely, the dress returned to the wardrobe of memories to emerge today, and present itself to us as a testament to indissoluble lives in the making.
A mother created it for her daughter, a daughter wore it becoming a mother. Created for the ultimate creation, it was worn and loved until the end by the one who first made it.