
Winners in the Jury. Mirja and Katherine will be back at ITS 2015

27 January 2015


The ITS 2014 Fashion Collection of the Year and Accessories Collection of the Year came with the opportunity for the winner to present a new collection out of competition at ITS 2015, while standing in the Jury. We want them in the Jury first of all because by putting a young talent among them we remind the other jurors who they are evaluating. In addition, it is a terrific opportunity for the winner. An example of what often happens is finding yourself working as a senior designer for Raf Simons (well, this may happen to all finalists actually).

British designer Katherine Roberts-Wood is last year’s winner of Fashion Collection of the Year and we’ve been in touch with her lately to ask her a couple of questions:

What’s the difference between Katherine before and after ITS? What has changed, both personally and professionally?
Since taking part in ITS, I’m definitely more confident in pursuing my ideas and creativity…The experience has taught me to be more ambitious and bold in my design process, and that sometimes putting yourself in exposing and scary situations can pay off!

Why in your opinion should a young designer enrol in ITS?
You have nothing to lose and potentially everything to gain from enrolling in ITS! If you are given the opportunity to be a finalist, you will have the most incredible experience and meet amazing people… ITS is unique as a platform for young designers, in that it truly values creativity in all its forms.

Have you begun working on the collection you will be presenting out of competition next July (while standing in the ITS FASHION Jury)? Can you share any detail of the concept with us?
Yes I have started developing ideas for the collection, I’m really excited to be showing it in Trieste in July. It’s definitely going to represent an evolution of my ideas and philosophies but I think it will look and feel very different…

Estonian Accessories designer Mirja Pitkaart was the winner of the ITS 2014 Accessories Collection of the Year and we presented her with the same questions:

What’s the difference between Mirja before and after ITS? What has changed, both personally and professionally?
A lot has changed since ITS. It was straight after graduation when I applied so it definitely helped me gain confidence that I am on the right track with what I’m doing. Since then there have also been a few exhibitions, I was nominated for the Young Estonian Designer Award, I had many interviews and features in magazines and an internship that turned into a job in a Parisian fashion house.

Why in your opinion should a young designer enrol in ITS?
I can’t think of a reason why anyone shouldn’t apply. Not only is it the best opportunity to get your work out there but also to meet other young designers, get useful connections for the future and have a great weekend in Trieste.

Have you begun working on the collection you will be presenting out of competition next July (while standing in the ITS ACCESSORIES Jury)? Can you share any detail of the concept with us?
Yes I have been collecting ideas and doing research for a while now and am just about to start working with materials and shapes in 3D. With the new collection I will explore new product and material genres, trying different manufacturing approaches. But as before most pieces will take their shape while in the making.

We’re looking forward to the new creativity these two incredible young women will come up with as much as we look forward to having them in the ITS FASHION and ITS ACCESSORIES juries.

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