Jury Quotes

The ITS Juries involve the world's fashion industry leaders, artists, stylists, photographers and editors. Regardless of their crazy schedules they answer our call and fly to Trieste, Italy, twice: first to select the finalists, and then to attend the finals, which allows them to meet the selected designers in person, view their projects up close, ask questions and finally choose the winners.

Jurors and young talents can mingle during the event, something that is very much appreciated both by the jury members, who get to relate directly with the freshest expressions of creativity, and by the finalists, who receive precious advice.

A great and diverse number of trend leaders from the art, fashion and design world and more than a thousand journalists are part of our network. Commenting about their own experience at ITS, here’s a few of their impressions:

Orsola de Castro

Co-Founder of Fashion Revolution and author