
International Press Coverage. Some of the most interesting ITS coverage we’ve received

27 Gennaio 2015


Every year some 100 lifestyle and fashion journalists attend ITS. Some of them have been in our juries too, like Hilary Alexander, Cathy Horyn, Susie Bubble, Imran Amed, Colin McDowell and Angelo Flaccavento (to say but a few).

The press coverage in 14 years has been amazing: over 2,700 articles were published in the international press, written by more than 1,250 journalists from 36 nations. And over 70 TV channels have reported the event.
In this social networks era we’ve seen impressive results on platforms like facebook and twitter too. Last year for instance the hashtag #itscontest on twitter generated an exposure of over 33,400,000, a reach of more than 7,900,000 with over 8,300 tweets and 1,400 contributors making ITS 2014 the 9th global trending topic on the final evening of the event, Saturday 12 July 2014.
We’d like to share with you just a short selection of the most impressive coverage we received.

CNN ITS 2014 Video Coverage

We had the amazing pleasure of having George Webster covering the event last year for CNN and were literally blown away by the video feature he edited…


Entitled “ITS Amazing”, this coverage by Katie Shellingford on the printed edition of Dazed UK features interviews with a number of ITS finalists including pictures of their outfits. Click here for the full article.

STYLEBUBBLE.COM – 15 July 2012

Right after attending the ITS FASHION Jury, Susie Bubble covers ITS 2012 in this very extensive report where she analyses many of the finalists’ collections one by one. here it is.


“Le Futur entre en scène”, the future steps in the scene. Louis Bompard in his huge ITS 2013 report enthusiastically writes that this is the first ITS edition he participates in and that it definitely will not be the last. You can read it here.

FRANCE 2 – ITS 2014 Video Coverage

This feature went live on the Télématin morning news in France, extensively reporting ITS 2014 through interviews with finalists and jurors.

VOGUE ITALIA – September 2013

Vogue Italia journalist Elisa Pervinca Bellini entitles her coverage “The Heart of Creativity” including two of the words we definitely love the most. “The research in the 4 corners of the world is what sets ITS apart from other projects selecting fashion, accessories and jewelry designers.” here is the full article.

If you are enrolling in ITS 2015, the next one to be featured in one of the above could be you. If you are interested in our full press review you can find all here, divided by edition, including a “Greatest ITS” selection of 160 articles.

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