Macy Grimshaw

Fashion designer
born 2001


Macy Grimshaw

Rue de Mauricette

This collection is a visual interpretation of the inexorable fading of memories, the heartbreaking experience of witnessing someone we know and love, affected by Alzheimer's, slip away. Designer Macy Grimshaw sourced her grandmother’s life, imprinted into an archive of film negatives, letters and clothes, with each look in the collection inspired by a specific garment. The ephemeral nature of memory is portrayed through the physical fragility and vulnerability of paper: each look represents a different point of view of the deterioration of paper. Macy’s hope was to create beauty from an unstoppable situation. Beauty for those who have witnessed loved ones slowly fade.

Project selection motivation

With a deep and moving connection to real life issues, the collection breathes in lightness, a subtle ironic touch, a playful styling including accessories and embracing total looks, an unexpected use of paper in its many dimensions and references, from magazines to posters to street signs and more. The project catches the essentials of a life of things long gone while exploring a feminine, somehow sweet tailoring language. A tenderly cutting edge project.

meet the designer

project presentation

the project
