Qingzi Gao
Born 16th October 1995 Chinese
Lotto Sport Sneakers Project
Qingzi was inspired by the futuristic aesthetics of vintage Lotto magazines and posters, that were incorporated in prints, hardware and embellishment design for the footwear prototype. In addition, the finishing details were inspired by quilting, piping and zigzag stitches of vintage tennis shoes and garments. Her design also incorporated the playfulness and the concept of assembly from her fashion collection, inspired by the engineering and production of 1990’s toys that made up her childhood. The shoes were designed with carefully engineered pieces that the wearer can play with. Shoe laces were replaced with the different laser cut acrylic components engineered with reflective elastic. All embellishments were connected using elastics inserted in the eyelets of the shoe, and can be attached or removed according to the wearer's taste or mood to play with them.
Lotto Sport Award – 1st place
The Lotto Sport Award assigned 3.000, 2.000 and 1.000 euro respectively to three winners who developed a sneakers project

Award Motivation
Creativity/originality expressed in terms of concepts, modelling, colours and graphics. An ability to express and convey ideas, drawing skills, explanations and the use of digital programs. Design skills, in terms of quality of the models and prototypes presented. Presentation of the project - both in the portfolio and in the performance video. And finally a sportswear attitude.