
ITS 2016 Streaming and Social Networks

08 July 2016


We wanted everyone to be able to follow this special anniversary and take part in the Utopia that is ITS 2016. Seats for the final evening have always been a thorn in our side: so many requests, so little spots available. Digital technology finally comes to our rescue!

The ITS 2016 Fashion Show will be streamed LIVE!!

Thanks to our technical supporter fluido based here in Trieste, Italy and with a history of several national and international collaborations, you will be able to follow the live streaming of the ITS 2016 Fashion Show which will begin at 10:30pm on Saturday July 16th. You’ll have several options:

1. Connect to the website of newspaper Il Piccolo.

2. Follow us on Facebook where we’ll publish a direct link to access the YouTube streaming service.

3. Download on your smartphone the Official ITS 2016 APP (yes, we got one! Read about it!) either from the Apple App Store, from the Google Play Store.

This is not all! From Sunday July 17th a 360° streaming of the show will also be available, offering the exclusive p.o.v. of a spectator sitting in the public, with the plus of being able to rotate the view!

And what about our Social Network activity?

We are going to focus mainly on Instagram, where we will allow you an exclusive point of view from the backstage and the live fashion show, and on Snapchat, but we’ll of course be active on our Facebook channels (both on Barbara’s profile and on the ITS page).

As we approach the event we are telling the story of ITS year by year on instagram with ITS MEMORIES, special moments we recall that define who we are and what we do. Every day is dedicated to a specific edition, a two-week summary of our history. Said posts are being re-posted on our facebook and twitter as well. Check them out, it wouldn’t be an anniversary without knowing where we come from…

We’re going to use our snapchat profile “itsplatform” both before and during the event, so keep an eye on it if you don’t want to miss them!

GET INVOLVED! The official hashtag for all ITS-related content is #itscontest.

If you have past ITS memories to share with us please do and use the #itsmemories hashtag.

And if you are one of our guests flying in, or happen to be at the airport on Thursday July 14th – Sunday July 17th and see our ITS Welcome Desk, or recognise any of our guests arriving or leaving, you can use #itstriesteairport.

We expect to turn this anniversary into a HUGE book of memories made of pictures and videos and so we HAD to get you involved!