ITS Arcademy for Schools
ITS Arcademy offers a rich program of guided tours, creative experiences and hands-on workshops for all educational levels, from elementary school to university.
Our team collaborates with teachers to enable classes to explore contemporary issues such as resource conservation, responsible consumption, and the protection of cultural and environmental heritage.
Fashion and design-oriented high schools receive special attention, with specialized sessions designed to deepen and enrich their curriculum.
- Critical Thinking Enhancement
- Improved problem solving skills and innovation
- Strengthening collaboration and communication skills
- Increased confidence and self-expression

Fondazione CRTrieste supports creativity education by contributing to the realization of free educational experiences at ITS Arcademy - Museum of Art in Fashion to first and second grade educational institutions of the National Education System of Friuli Venezia Giulia, during the s.y. 2024/2025.
Visit to the exhibition space
Fashion Schools and Universities will find dedicated programs and customized experiences.
- Welcome and Introduction
- From ITS Contest to ITS Arcademy: An ecosystem of circular creativity.
- Discovering Portfolios: Explore amazing ways to tell stories and express ideas.
- Gallery Tour: Discover the current exhibition.
- Wunderkammer tour: Get to know today's top emerging designers.
- Exploring the Archives: An Introduction to Preservation.